Brose, Jade, Caity and Trev, Chatflix's four street rats brave the streets Agrabad to look at the story of Aladdin. The Disney classic animated film that may be the most singalongable film ever made!
With the irrepressible Robin Williams as the magically loveable Genie and songs by Mencken, Ashman & Rice You aint never had friends like us.
David Fincher presents his vision of the ultimate warrior woman: Sigourney Weaver's Ripley! This time it's in a space prison and those hardened criminals have nothing on the Ripper. The biggest fight club, however, happened behind the scenes. 8 writers vs the producers!
Join Stu, Brose, Caity, and Danielle on the space chain gang as they try to avoid dropping the soap while the Xenomorphs are around.
Chatflix talks to Georgina the Bride and Watson live from the Melbourne International Comedy Festival about their love of films and their hilarious shows.
In 2017, after a worldwide economic collapse, the U.S. has become a totalitarian police state, censoring all cultural activity.
But enough about politics! This week we watch the Arnold Schwarzenegger classic Running Man as a falsely convicted man who has to compete for his live on a reality tv show. It's no Master Chef but we liked it!
Detroit is bankrupt with a privatised Police Force and the private sector experimenting with war machines on the general public. No, its not 2017, it's Paul Verhoeven's prophetic Robocop. You'd buy that for a dollar.. but you don't have to because we're giving it to you for free!
Join Brose "half man- half donut machine", Matt "half man - quarter chicken and chips", and comedian Daniel "half man- half price on Tuesdays" Connell as they chat about this 1987 satirical masterpiece.
Bonus! Brose and Leisl chat to comedian Alice Fraser about her 2017 Melbourne International Comedy Festival Show "Empire" and her film inspirations.
Fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, giants, monsters, chases, escapes, true love, miracles… Surely one film that contains all that is inconceivable?!
This week Brose, Tamzen, Stu, and Caity sat in bed with their blankets pulled tight as they talk about a pirate, a princess and the greatest love story of all-WAIT. Love story? is this a kissing story? Are you trying to trick me?